We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Unlimited with $350
  • Unlimited access to the food hall
  • $350 declining balance
  • 10 Meal Exchange Swipes Per Week
  • 5 guest meals
  • Best Value on Campus!
Unlimited access to the Dish all-you-care-to-enjoy dining hall (may use up to 10 swipes per week as a meal exchange), 5 guest meals and $350 declining balance dollars.

Thank you for your interest in one of our premium dining plans. To enroll in this plan, please visit the Auxiliary Services Office in Kunsela Hall or email CA@sunypoly.edu.

**Please allow 1 business day for processing

Be Aware: Unused Dining Dollars (or points) will roll over to the Spring semester, but if not used before the end of the Spring semester they will expire. Please keep this in consideration when choosing the right meal plan that best fits your needs.

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